Monday, July 17, 2006

Still here, though you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise... Moved in, have a bed and a bike now, and should have internet as of next week. In the meantime, here's a meme pinched from Vixel's LJ to keep you going until I have a chance to update properly...

What is your secret, guaranteed weeping movie?
Silent Running and Dead Poets' Society are pretty much guaranteed.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I think the only thing I'd be likely to have done would be beer-gut removal, though I keep telling myself that getting regular exercise will be cheaper and more effective.

Do you have a completely irrational fear?
Chronic arachnophobia (which everyone decides to test when they find out, something I don't see the humour in).

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?
I'm not aware that I have one... Making excuses and disappearing from whatever social setting I'm in, possibly.

Are you a pyromaniac?
Nah, though I tend to accrete them...

Do you have too many love interests?
Nope- according to most of the people I know, I probably don't have enough.

Do you know anyone famous?

Who would play you in a movie?
I'd like to think Gary Oldman or Alan Rickman, but that would be wishful thinking. As long as it wasn't Danny DeVito, I'd be happy. Of course, first I'd have to do something

Do you know how to play poker?
I know some of the basic rules, but I've never had the inclination to learn properly.

What do you carry with you at all times?
Wallet, phone and keys; I'm normally also in possession of a bag containing a change of clothes, hairbrush and can of deodorant in case I end up crashing somewhere away from home, and and a coat in case of being caught in the rain.

What do you miss most about being a kid?
Living without financial and existential burdens- to steal a line from Rush, We're only immortal for a limited time.

Are you happy with your given name?
Yes, on the whole.

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
£25,000 at the bare minimum. However, I've gone without it at home for almost a month now without too many problems... *Twitch, twitch*

What color is your bedroom?
Cream with pale green carpets and curtains, the furniture being pine. Not my ideal choice, but it suffices.

What was the last song you were listening to?
Something on Meteora by Linkin Park, though I couldn't tell you which song.

Have you ever been in love?

Do you talk a lot?
Not normally- I tend to be more of a listener (to the infuriation of anyone I speak to on the phone)

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
I know I'm damned good at quite a few things, however I'm in constant danger of accepting my own mediocrity.

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
I'd like to think I am, though I guess other people's views count more than my own on this issue.

What is your ideal marriage location?
I've never really thought about it. I've wanted to go to Japan (particularly Fukuoka or Tokyo) for years, and I've often thought that, should I ever get married, it'd be a good honeymoon spot. However, that's a financial improbability at present.

Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
I guess I'm a cyberpunk at heart, as I've tried to learn synths and sequencers a few times with mixed results (mainly from Bad to Worse).

Favorite fabric?
IRR-treated cotton and cordura are the way to go for most things I wear- fashionable and me tend not to mix. ;)

Something you love and also hate?

What's the one language you want to learn?
I have a reasonable (if rusty) command of Dutch and I've had brushes with French, Spanish and Japanese in the past to varying levels. Of those, I think Japanese would be the one I would most like to be fluent in.

How do you eat an apple?
Around the equator, working inwards and leaving the core.

Have you ever pierced your body parts?
No- I'm not sure I'd consider it, either, I don't think it would suit me or my personality.

Do you have any tattoos?
No- similarly to piercings, I don't feel they would suit me.

Do you drive a stick?
I'm not a witch. ;) In seriousness, I can't drive and at present couldn't afford to run a car even if I could.

What's one trait you hate in a person?
Indecision, probably, or more accurately deciding something then changing one's mind or cancelling at the last minute. I won't commit to something unless I'm sure I can do it, which makes me a bit indecisive to begin with, but I'd prefer to say 'Maybe' rather than saying 'Yes' and then having to say 'No' later.

Do you consider yourself materialistic?
Probably- I have a huge amount of stuff that I appear unable to part with, though admittedly I did pare down a lot when I last moved.

What do you cook the best?
Chilli, bolognese and tiramisu. When I've done vlammetjes they've also always gone down well.

Favorite writing instrument?
Most commonly a keyboard these days, though there's still something to be said for decent calligraphy.

Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
Preference or no, I tend to blend into the background. I'm a bit (OK, a lot) of an introvert, and I'd feel far too self-conscious for my liking as the centre of attention.

Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
Probably not- I tend to wear what's comfortable, which pretty much means combats and a t-shirt all year round.

What kind of books do you like to read?
Mainly sci-fi and fantasy; I'm a particular fan of Neal Stephenson's work (I can re-read Snow Crash ad-infinitum) and the later William Gibson books (ie. the ones after the Sprawl Trilogy). I also read a lot of manga in various genres.

How many online journals do you read regularly?
I'd say only Vicki's and Kat's with any regularity.

What's one thing you're a loser at?
Sociability, most likely- I tend not to be a very sociable person, bordering on reclusive.

If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
I just have as little as possible to do with them- there's no point in being outwardly hostile.

Do you cry in front of your friends?
Only in periods of heightened emotional stress- normally if I'm upset enough to cry I'll have made an excuse to be on my own anyway.

What kind of first impression do you think you give people?
I'd have to ask someone else to answer that- I'm not aware that I leave much of a first impression.

What's one thing you like to do alone?
Watch movies whilst curled up with a nice cup of coffee. That makes me sound really antisocial...

Are you a giver or a taker?
Probably a giver- I like to see my friends happy in particular, and wherever I can I will make an effort to see that's the case. Likewise I find it difficult to accept kindness or assistance from friends without at least offering the same in return.

When's the last time you cried?
I can't remember exactly- when I have cried recently it's been increasingly in happiness as opposed to sadness, which is an inherently good thing.

What is your favorite communication method?
Face to face is the best way, though email and messenging programs have their uses- they mean you can put your thoughts together before you say them.

Do you think you're cute?
It's not a term I'd apply to myself.

Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
I've no problem with my upper half, though I tend to go for privacy from the waist down.

Favorite type of music?
I couldn't really say- my music collection is substantial and covers a variety of genres. What I listen to depends on my mood, and can vary wildly.

What is the sexiest thing the opposite sex can wear that catches your eye?
Probably a skirt that accentuates the person's legs- I guess that answers whether I'm a leg or a breast man... ;)

Are you a workaholic?
Most definitely not- I see work as a necessary evil, and I've often been told that I tend only to put the minimum necessary amount of work into anything. I'm a huge procrastinator as well.

What are your kids names?
That would involve having, or contemplating having, sprogs.

Do you watch a lot of television?
Nope, not really- I tend to watch a lot of movies and downloaded or boxed-set TV shows, but not much at all in the way of actual broadcast television.

Do you like to shop?
Not so much the actual shopping, but I do have a tendency to accrete stuff.

What is your hidden talent
I can write, very well I've been told, though I don't do so nearly as much as I used to. I'd like to write a novel at some point, it's just finding an idea with enough promise and that hasn't already been done.

Would you die to save the life of someone you deeply love?
In a heartbeat, though it'd be better to come back from the dead for them.

Do you own a Bible?
Yes, mainly thanks to my aunt getting religion- I'm an agnostic bordering on atheist.

Do you play chess?
I can, but I don't own a set and it's been quite a while since I played.

Do you like the rain?
I like watching it, and it breaks up oppressive conditions well. However, being out in it isn't so pleasant.

Do you like thunderstorms?
Like rain but better- or worse if you're stuck out in it.

What's your favorite website?
Favourite or most-visited? The former would probably be Megatokyo or Errant Story, though most-visited would likely be the Eeejits Forum. Wikipedia fits both of those categories, at a guess- I've normally got a browser window open there.