Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Don't Feed 'Em After Midnight...

I tend to have really vivid dreams- almost always from first-person perspective- when I actually get any REM sleep, and when I remember them (about a third of the time) I am often left thinking 'What the fuck?!' Last night was no exception to that rule.

I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but I know it involved our house having a toilet out in the cubbyhole where the fridge and freezer lives, and it being infested with sandworms (proper Dune-style ones, except only about a foot long). The floor was partially soft sand with some terracotta tiles which you had to hop between if you wanted to use the kazi without losing a foot.

It also involved my maternal grandmother (IRL in her seventies and resident in Spain) turning out to be an anime nut and wanting a copy of the new Appleseed movie.

To make matters worse there was a scene with Ed announcing he was going to make a honey & coriander stir-fry, despite me knowing all too well that I'd consumed the honey & coriander stir fry sauce that very evening- I hadn't the heart to tell him.

And throughout all this my housemates and I (including perrenial visitors) were engaged in a war against ninja Vogons, who we finally beat because their ship's flight computer was a Commodore 64 and thus couldn't load up their control program before we zapped 'em.

I'm really going to watch what I eat before I sleep...

On the upside I've had a productive morning- finally got a pricing formula for the Revelation 13 RPG system I'm building worked out. I'd estimate a week or two to finalise a few other bits and bobs before I convert everything to PDF and post it up onto EighthAngel. I hope to start running games of it before I hit NL in September, though that depends on how many players I've got around.

Countdown: 101 days until next NL holiday. :D


Blogger Vixel said...

I might regret saying this, but I may as well engage in some geekery over the summer. Hell, I'll have little else to do :P

10:11 am  
Blogger Union Jackal said...

You'll probably enjoy it. After all, Ed and Pete were sceptical to start with, and now they're RPG addicts. :D

10:22 am  

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