Interviews = Evil
Another interview down, the last one I'm likely to have internally within this company. It didn't go quite as badly as I was expecting- I managed to put across that I wanted to do something with a varied scope, that I was good under pressure and that I was a minor IT god, all of which appeared to be plus-points in comparison to the role. However, as usual I think I failed to sell my personality and my drive sufficiently- not enough bullshit, to put it bluntly. I'm probably too self-effacing and understated for my own good. Combine that with the fact that the other candidate A) already does the job, B) has more experience and C) is more likely to tell them what they want to hear, and chances are I haven't got this one. Then again, I wasn't expecting to right from the off- the company almost never gives a position to someone outside the office in question. Ah well, at least I gave it a shot, and I should know the outcome by tomorrow at the latest.
I was once told: A pessimist is never disappointed, only pleasantly surprised. However, as my old boss once said: I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. ;)
I was once told: A pessimist is never disappointed, only pleasantly surprised. However, as my old boss once said: I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. ;)
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